Channel: Final Fantasy Peasant
Category: Gaming
Tags: revealfinal fantasy peasantfull fantasy peasantfinal fantasy originsfinal fantasymashupcombatfinal fantasy origins ps5demotrailerps5musicwarrior of lighte3 2021originsthemefinal fantasy 7 remakefinal fantasy stranger in paradisesquare enix e3 2021announcementreactiongarlandfinal fantasy 16final fantasy origins reactionsquare enixremakeff originse3stranger of paradisefinal fantasy origins stranger of paradiseffpeasantremastergameplay
Description: It was real! Final Fantasy Origins... remake? Reimagining? Weird Dissidia multiverse WOL concept? Strangers of Paradise trailer has given me a mix of reaction & feeling. Exceptionally excited to see more. I love the concept of a FF1 type remake with its almost tropey chaosy elements and villain as cliche as Gardland. But set in a dark souls or Nioh inspired tough combat system, it has everything on paper to be a great entry to final fantasy! But there is no denying parts felt disjointed and without more context I'm left wondering how this will be received on face value. I hope you can't spam kill finishers as frequently/easily as the trailer made it seem. Gonna be some spicy fan reactions out there to this trailer and even this 2021 E3 as a whole. But I'm actually really content, will do a deeper break down tomorrow of this Origins entry and consoldiate some thoughts. But lemme know what you are feeling my dear peasants! So much Final Fantasy in the pipeline so I am happy and given Square Enix my trust until other wise... again lol XD keep the FFP cameras turned on: CHECK OUT THE NEW FFP TEESPRING STORE! It has dankerinio designs!: Peasantbook! Land of 15k plus Pezzers: Donate/tip to feed a Peasant: The twitterings: To see livestreams & Playthrough videos: